I will be completely honest and say that when I decided to start a blog, I had no rhyme or reason besides simply being a journal entry type of post. Mainly practice into something that will soon become (in my hopes and dreams) well-worth someone's while to read. Since my last entry about graduation, "real life," and the scary black abyss that I was plunging into, a lot has changed and happened. I have already moved to a new city and gotten a completely new job that will all actually change again in just one month.
Tomorrow marks August 1, 2011 and the countdown until my flight to Israel officially begins. Metaphorically it's me with a shovel, creating a brand new path, with the destination being unknown. I am going to be in Israel for a year teaching English to Middle School aged pre-teens. This will be an amazing year filled of experience and opportunity, wherever it leads me to afterwords - I have NO idea. I should throw in the disclaimer that I never really have had an idea of where I am going, what my plans are, what I want out of life. It leaves all the good stuff a surprise and all the disappointments not so terrible. I know there are other young women and men out there who feel the same way. Feel this age is pulling you in several directions, mainly to have fun and embrace being young, but old enough to have your shit together. People - you don't need to have it together. Live it up. Be wild. Be free.
There are 27 more days until I am embark on my journey into the fabulously unknown. I need this blog as an outlet. To not freak out. To express all my many, many emotions. Most importantly, to encourage everyone else to experience their own adventures. My goal is to reach out to young adults, with their own unanswered goals. They will able to come to this page and feel motivated to live.
For those still in college (so lucky!) about to enter another year of exams, parties, all nighters, lecture halls, and libraries full of dusty books. PLEASE consider studying abroad. Whether it is through your university or through an independent program - DO IT. College is not complete without this experience. Here are some tips:
- List out a few different places you would like to go. After that start doing the research on what has the best program for the field you are studying.
- Consider you finances. Talk to your parents and figure out how much you are willing to spend on a semester or year away from home. You need to calculate cost of tuition as well as spending costs. For example, my friends who spent their time in Europe spent a significantly larger amount than I did because I was living in Thailand.
- Do not make decisions based on what your friends are doing. This is YOUR experience. It may seem like a really long time but a semester is 3 or 4 months, the time will fly. You will also show up and meet amazing like-minded people and instantly make friends.
- Find out what programs your school offers and browse the internet for outside programs. Once you figure out which is the better fit for you, making sure credits transfer, etc., works out. It is VERY important to visit your academic adviser on campus to help you figure it all out. It is a big deal and you can't figure it all out on your own.
To this very day, I still wish I was still on my semester abroad. |