Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Playin' Hooky & Plantin' them Trees.

Not because I want to. My door won't lock to my apartment, sooo I have been waiting for the locksmith to come for almost 2 hours now. I missed my whole day of school with the kids. I'm bummed. Today is Tu B'Shvat - the birthday of the trees (very similar to Earth Day in America). There was lots of yummy treats at school and fun activities and I missed out! On a positive note, my roommate and I finallllllly got our curtains up that we bought 5 months ago (so sad) and I have been sitting in this room enjoying them.

I have missed a good amount of time writing on this blog for whatever reason, but it's February, its Tu B'Shvat, it's almost Valentine's Day, and well, I'm locked in my room. So what better time to blab? 

The BEST news I can share is that my sister, Jessica, and her hubby, Jeremy, are coming to visit me in a month!!! I couldn't be more excited. I already have so many great things planned for us to do, but we only have a week so we are going to jam-pack it. It is Jeremy's first time and Jessica hasn't been in a little over four years so I can pretend to be a tourist all over again! 

My teaching partner...obviously not teaching at the moment.
Lately, being a volunteer, I realize a lot about money and spending it and making it. A wise guy (yes a wise-guy who is actually quite smart) recently told me, "Money? What is money? I am supposed to spend the money I make. Should I be taking it to the grave with me?" I like this. I am not dumb about my spending, but working everyday without making money...that is when you understand what is rewarding and what is important. You don't have to always work to get the paycheck. What about working just to do something good for someone else or for yourself? I cherish the fact that everyday I have to get up early and hang out with 9, 10, 11, and 12 year olds who don't speak my language and it's not for nothing. It's for something that I will keep forever, just a special feeling. Some days I can admit, I forget this thought and think why am I doing thissss? But when I get that first smile and "Shalom Alana!" from the heart melts. 

If you are missing something extraordinary like this in your life, it is never too late to volunteer!
