Thursday, April 12, 2012


Shlomit & Yaki's Wedding with Amanda.
Wow...I am terrible. I love to write. I love keeping a journal - especially when I am abroad. But why o' why have I sucked at keeping up this blog? I'll be totally, totally honest...laziness. Winter took hold of my body and I just didn't find the chance to sit and my computer and do what I love most...type away. So much, well too much, has happened here in Israel since my last post. I will try to remember the quick version, as much as I can of it. There was Purim (f***ing amazzzzing), a visit to the children's hospital, Tel Aviv Street Party, Afrojack!, my Sister and Jeremy came to visit (lots of driving, and eating, and driving, and floating in the Dead Sea, climbing Masada, all the tourist stuff again), a HUGE Israeli wedding (Mazal Tov L'Shlomt v'Yaki), an Engagement Party (Mazal Tov L'Avigail v'Chuck) teaching and teaching and teaching, then no teaching during Pesach break, and a camping adventure just last night. Phew! Now here we are...I have had 2 weeks off for Passover. I had a really nice dinner with the Levy's, minus a seder which is ironic, but still fun nonetheless. I am obviously still having a ball. I love every minute that I am here. I won't lie - there are many things I miss about home too. But it's just too hard to be homesick when I have the sand in my toes and the Mediterranean Sea staring me back in the eye.

Global Warming Purim Party - Dead Sea
Delivering gifts to the Children's Hospital for Purim!
With my time in Israel fading (too) fast, I have started to realize that I need to figure out my future. I need to make plans. I know, I know, I am growing up and grown ups work and pay bills and settle down. But why does that just not seem right? I still have a lot I want to do before all that. Once you do all that, then what? You just do that until you retire? No thanks. I don't want regrets and I want to go and travel now. Of course money is a factor, maybe the only factor, and I plan on making some of that green paper right when I get home. But why is it so bad to just work really hard anywhere I can and then go on another trip? Why do Americans have rules about what age to go to school, work, get married, have kids. It will all come and happen when it is supposed to happen. But what is the rush? I am very happy for all the friends and family in my life who have done those things, but those are the things that happened to them...I just have different things happening to me. In June I will be 23. That is young. Too young to not do what I want to do. Maybe this is selfish, or maybe my family reading this wants to strangle me for being such a "chunty bunty" as we call it in Israel, but I can't help it. I find my happiness in traveling. If you do too, don't deprive yourself of it. Everyone deserves the luxury of traveling. When I say luxury, I don't mean 5-star hotels and lobster dinners on the beach. I'm the girl who stays in hostels and eats street food. I just mean the luxurious benefits that traveling brings to your mind, body, and soul. The clarity it gives you and the amazing beauty of places unknown.

So that's my plan at all. Just the way I like it :)

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