Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My last post was in June, last summer. Well now it is just about to be April and everyone is talking about summer again! Oh, how time flies.

I wish with every ounce of my being that I could say this was a continuation of my journey's through Israel and continuing abroad, but instead I am home in Southern California and have been here since August. I have been working as a nanny and have just started to take prerequisites to apply for grad school. My writing - my love - has without a doubt taken a back seat, better yet its been locked in the trunk of the car. Why? I have NO clue why. Laziness? Self-doubt? Who is even reading this anyway? I guess I don't really care who reads it. It's a place for me to regurgitate my thoughts and practice my craft. A place where I can be honest without judgement. I would love for a career in writing to come sweep me off my feet into the moonlight of swanky coffeeshops and ultimately onto bookshelves in all shapes and sizes, but if only it were that easy...

Luckily I have family and friends who are the equivalent to a very pricey Shrink and have encouraged me to keep writing - whether its published, private, in a blog, or on a Post-it. These same friends and family have given me priceless advice, the most important coming from my dear Deanna, "These are precious life hours that you are wasting." No one has ever spoken truer words.

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