Friday, September 2, 2011

Shalom, Mienyanim?

There hasn't been a minute yet that I have forgotten where I am. I love being here so much that I keep repeating over and over in my head, "Wow, I'm waking up in Israel, walking the streets of Israel, buying groceries in Israel."

Our training starts on Sunday, so the past few days have just been about hanging out with each other, buying things we need, and getting settled in our apartments. We have visited the beach, discovered our neighborhoods one and only pub, and last night a few of us explored the streets of Tel Aviv. We had a nice opening ceremony on the rooftop of a building in Tel Aviv where are the Israel Pathways programs got together, had a delicious dinner and met all the higher-ups. The awesome Israeli dinner was paired with an amazing sunset. 

My roommate is still not here yet, so I have gotten very comfortable being in my own room. I need to erase that mindset because I know she will be here in a few short days. Besides her, everyone on the trip is from somewhere different and we have a big pot full of different personalities. It is one of the most eclectic bunch of people I have been a part of. I am preparing for what might be the most random 10 months I'll experience in my whole life. Then again, I'm no psychic.

My favorite part so far, is that a lot of the Hebrew I learned in college is coming back to me! Israeli's know English for the most part, but it's very flattering to me when they speak Hebrew to me. The big, curly mane on my head has them fooled. But I can't hold a drawn out Hebrew conversation yet and they immediately switch to English. Ulpan (intensive Hebrew lessons) starts at the end of October, but I am determined to learn as much Hebrew as I can until then. I allow all readers of this blog to hold me to the fact that I WILL be fluent when I get home. That is one of my main goals for my time here.

Here are some things I for sure know how to say:
*I live in Netanya: Ani gar'ah b'Netanya
*Thank you!: Toda!
*Please/Your Welcome: B'Vakasha
*My name is Alana: Hashem sheli Alana
*Cutie: Chamood
*Sweetheart: Motek
*Excuse me/Sorry: Sli'cha
*Good Night: Lila Tov
*Good Morning: Boker Tov get the drift!

Siroonit Beach. 7 minute walk from my apartment.

Sunset from rooftop in Tel Aviv.

Beach at night in Yaffo with the TLV skyline ahead.


  1. Ali! The scenery is BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe the blue sky and ocean! I want to see a picture of the one and only pub near you - and I really want to see your dorm.

    Keep the blog posts comin'.

    - Deanna

  2. Ali, Israelis LOVE LOVE LOVE to speak English. My mom and I will speak perfect Hebrew to a cab driver for instance, with a perfect accent, and as soon as I say one word to her in English, it's all English from there. We just tell them - we want to practice our Hebrew!
